10 Ways Facebook Can Be Hacked !



Facebook is the most popular and widely used social networking site. The users have crossed the billions mark all over the world making it the most popular social network. Facebook is working hard from many years in developing and making its platform more attractive and user friendly day by day. With huge mass of users its becomes difficult to make the data of each user secure but Facebook having many security professional and engineers have managed to do so. Therefore, it becomes difficult to hack the Facebook network but not impossible. Since, no one can fully secure any network and there becomes the chance for users to compromise their data. Meanwhile cyber-security is not the subject that is intended to study just by the computer professional but it is compulsory for every user who use internet in their day to day life. Every user on the internet can be hacked what one can do is just prevent the attack . In this post we will see the most widely used attacks that are being performed on  Facebook to hack the users credentials.


PHISHING is proved as the most popular and successful attack in robbing the users credentials. In this attack the hackers make a fake login page which looks similar to Facebook login page and the link to this fake page is send to the victims using social engineering and as soon as the user gets trapped in the attack the login information with the username and password is send to the hackers host through various network protocols. This attack can be prevented by analyzing the link before opening it.  If the link contains http:// protocol than it can be a phishing link. Secondly, check the domain name before opening link. Usually the phishing link doesn't contain the domain name as https://facebook.com it can be any domain name such as http://mfacebook.com or something like https://mFaceBook.com 


KEY LOGGER is another method widely used to hack the credentials of the user. Key logger are of two types Hardware and Software Key logger. Hardware Key logger are like the USB stick that is inserted to the victims computer to record the keystrokes. Whereas the Software key loggers are an programs that are installed on the victims computer to record the keystrokes. Key logger can be avoided by installing the antivirus on your PC as it detects if any key logger is installed on your PC. Secondly the hardware key logger can be avoided by protecting your PC from physical access.


Almost 80%  of the people use stored passwords to login the Facebook account. But this can be very dangerous as stealers can easily steal the password from your browser. To avoid stealers use password manager to save your password. Avoid saving password on browsers.


Session Hijacking is an another method that can be used to hack your credentials. In session hijacking if you are accessing the website through HTTP:// protocol than the hacker on the same network can steal the cookie of your browser which is used to authenticate a user on website and uses it to access the victims account. It is widely used on LANS.


It is an popular method to hack the Facebook and email accounts. It's the process of stealing someone's access to website, typically done on wireless public network. Firesheep is widely used to carry out side jacking attacks and works when the attacker and the victim is on same WiFi network. It can be said as HTTP session hijacking, but it's more targeted towards the WiFi users. 


Millions of users access their facebook through their mobile phones. If the hacker gain the access to their mobile phones than he can easily access the victims phone this can be probably done by using the spying software that captures the victims activity and send it to the attacker. This attack can be avoided by using the two factor authentication on the  Facebook application and by confirming your  mobile number so that the attacker cannot access your without the key.


If an attacker has the physical access to your PC than he/she can automatically extract all the saved passwords form your browser and copy it to the USB stick. This is done by using the simple program that is been installed in the USB stick. As soon as the USB is inserted in the PC the program runs automatically and it extracts all your password from browser. It is known as USB Stealer. This Stealer can be avoided by preventing the attacker from accessing the system physically. 


If the victim and the user are on the same LAN and on a switch based network, a hacker can place himself between the client and the server, or he could also act as a default gateway and capturing all the traffic in between. He can redirect your connection from one server to another server and hence diving you to the malicious website. He can also redirect you to the fake webpages and hence executing the phishing attack. 


Botnets are not commonly used to hack the Facebook account due to its high setup cost. They are used to carry more advanced attacks. A botnet is basically the collection of compromised computer. The infection process is same as key logging, however the botnet gives you the additional feature to carry out attacks with compromised computer. Some of the most popular botnets include spyeye and Zeus.


If both the victims and the attacker are on same network, an attacker can use DNS spoofing attack and change the original facebook.com page to his own fakepage and hence can get access to victim facebook account.

That's all this were the 10 methods by which the facebook can be hacked. This was just for educational purpose to prevent yourself from being hacked and secure your account. I do not promote any type of hacking that is intended for malicious purpose do at your own risk.


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