What Is Keylogger? How Hackers use Keylogger? How to Make an Undetectable Keylogger?


Ever wonder how the accounts of the most popular and top social media sites get hacked. The Employees of the organization work days and nights to make their users account secure, but still the accounts get hacked. Are they not much intelligent or they didn't have much knowledge. It's not like that. So, How did their users get hacked ? Well, all the answers to your question is discussed in this post. Also, we will see the most popular and the widely used method for hacking i.e using keylogger. Also, how keylogger is made in Kali Linux is kept as a part of post. So lets Start.(-_-) 

Hacking is not an easy task you need to be much smarter. While hacking you need to take care of each and every sequence of step you perform. While hacking an account, the hackers collect all sorts of the information of the targeted network. How they do it, is discussed in my previous post. So make sure you have the information about the targeted network and must not try on unknown network. Here we will see how most of the facebook, gmails, twitter accounts are hacked using keylogger.


Keylogger is the action of recording(logging) the key struck on a keyboard, typically covertly, so that the person using the keyboard is unaware that their actions are being monitored.
What does this means is that keylogger is the program that is made to record the behaviour of the keyboard. Whatever is entered through the keyboard gets recorded everything on the system your passwords, your mails, everything.
It is very dangerous program and you must save yourself from being a victim.


Disclaimer: This is just for the educational purpose. The main intension for making this post is to save yourself from being a victim. Don't be evil and harm anyone for your personal benefit's. This is Offensive and if reported, it can lend you into jail according to Information Technology Act-2000.

So lets see how keylogger is made.

-First Open Terminal in kali linux.
-go to Desktop by executing command as cd Desktop/
-Download beelogger from the github and place the folder on your desktop.
or execute the command git clone https://github.com/4w4k3/BeeLogger
-Perform the series of step as:
- cd BeeLogger/ this command will lend you into the BeeLogger folder.
- ls this command will list the files in the directory.
-Now, perform the command as ./install.sh to install the script.
-This will open the wine configuration select the version of the windows for  which you need to make the keylogger.
-Press next and next to complete the setup and this will install the python for windows in linux using wine.
-If you are facing problem in wine configuration than let me know in comment section below.
-Now execute the command python bee.py after successfull completion of the ./install.sh command.
-Now you will see BeeLogger running in your terminal window. It lacks in Graphics interface but is quit powerfull tool.
-Press [K] to Generate KeyLogger.
-Now you will see the screen of the 6 options in which format you want to generate keylogger you can select anyone from the six.
-Now it will prompt you to enter the the email and password where the logs will received.
-Enter the details make sure to not use the personal email make a new one for that.
-One more thing that is provided is an link before entering the detail is to turn on the less secure apps for your gmail account otherwise you won't be able to receive logs.
-Now it will ask you to confirm the details you entered press y to confirm.
-The keylogger will generate automatically in the folder BeeLogger in the path 
-Send the generated keylogger to the victims computer and make it execute for the once.
-That its, all the key strokes that will generate through the victims computer are send to your gmail account.

This is how the hackers hack the perticular account by making use of Key Logger. What you can do is perform some task to stay secure.

-Make sure you don't download the unknown file from the internet.
-Update your antivirus regurarly.
-Do not install any file from the untrusted server.

Save yourself from being a victim.
Stay Secure Be Safe.


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